What to do with a Shaker box: Part 4

It’s that time of year - as per family tradition, the day after Thanksgiving we embarked upon an archaeological expedition to the depths of our basement, to corners unseen these many a month, to carefully extract and lug topside our trunks of Christmas décor. It was touch and go for a while. I won’t go into the harrowing details. This is a family-friendly forum.

What I will point out is that, in a situation where bulky items like rolls of tree lights can jostle delicate items like the snowflake ornament my son made in the 2nd grade, there’s a need to store the smaller items in their own protective enclosures. Shaker boxes are perfect for that. And since Shaker boxes look good in their own right, they can also serve to display those decorations that couldn’t fit on the tree.

Which is good, because I don’t want to haul anything back to the basement before I have to. My fedora is dusty and I can’t find my whip.


What to do with a Shaker box: Part 5


What to do with a Shaker box: Part 3