Cherry, walnut, and sore hands
This might sound obvious to most people, but small shops like mine are best suited for making… small stuff. For the last six months, though, almost all my woodworking time has been spent making something that won’t even fit in my shop once it’s assembled - a large, built-in bookcase for Evangelical Baptist Church in Newton, MA. More on that in a future post.
But as the bookcase project reaches its final stages, others are spinning up. A recent visit with Andreus at Winwood Sawmill resulted in three gorgeous slabs of live edge walnut following me home, just begging to be reborn as charcuterie boards. Today I labored in the 90+ degree heat and gave my hands a proper scalding to produce a mix of cherry and walnut #2 and #4 Shaker boxes. Tomorrow (forecasted to be cooler, thankfully), will be more cherry and walnut in more sizes, plus the inevitable scalded hands that accompany Shaker box making.
My small shop is happy shifting back to all this small stuff.